Adrillene's Home
Home build: April 2016
The Need
Build a safe, sturdy home for an 80-year old widow
How we helped
Built sturdy home to protect from the elements

God provides a widow with her first safe, sturdy home.
We are blessed to be a part of meeting the needs of people like Adrillene!
For her whole life, Adrillene had only lived in small homes with dirt floors. Now, she has been blessed with a sturdy home constructed with a metal roof, concrete floor, and cinder block walls.
With your help, we were able to provide Adrillene, an 80-year-old widow, with a home to protect her from the elements.
This new home alleviated another problem for Adrillene. As she walked into her new house for the first time, she turned to the students who helped build it and exclaimed “No more snakes!”
In addition to a brand new home, we furnished her house with a new dining room table, chairs, and a brand new bed. Now, Adriellene can live in safety and security for the rest of her life. She was overjoyed and grateful for how God provided her basic needs through Hope Rising Haiti.
We are so thankful for the generosity of supporters like you, who help people like Adrillene receive safe, secure homes. Praise God for these blessings that we are able to share with the people of Haiti!