We gratefully accept donations of any amount to directly benefit the Haitian people. Hope Rising Haiti is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and all gifts are tax deductible. You can donate online with your credit card or debit card below. There are options to donate one time or “recurring”.

The quality of life in Haiti cannot rise without financial partners.
The quality of life in Haiti cannot rise without financial partners.
We gratefully accept donations of any amount to directly benefit the Haitian people. Hope Rising Haiti is a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit and all gifts are tax deductible. You can donate online with your credit card or debit card below. There are options to donate one time or “recurring”.
Prefer to send a check?
Make checks payable to Hope Rising Haiti
Mail to:
Hope Rising Haiti
10043 Keenan Street
Highlands Ranch, CO 80130