Andremene Brital's Home
Home build: July 2022
The Need
Build a safe, sturdy home for an 70-year old widow
How we helped
Built sturdy home to protect from the elements

Finish a safe, sturdy home for an elderly widow
Andremene Brital is a faithful 70-year-old widow who was in desperate need of a safe, sturdy home for her and her family. With the help of Hope Rising Haiti, we were able to help her finish the construction on her current home.

Andremene Brital
Andremene is a poor widow who lives in Mirebalais. She has faithfully served God for many years, but she has no one in her life who can support her. Often, she will take in laundry from other neighbors in her community so she can take care of the children who live with her, but her greatest need has always been a safe home where they can all live.
Andremene’s home was in extremely poor condition, with only rotten sheet metal and tarps protecting them from Haiti’s rainy season. When storms came, the strong winds made it impossible for the family to stay dry.
Recently, Andremene received help to start building a new home from a local friend named Mark, who helped her purchase sand, cement, and other materials to start construction. Unfortunately, difficult circumstances prevented Mark from finishing the home, so Hope Rising Haiti stepped in and we were honored to be a part of helping complete this project.
Praise God for allowing the completion of this new home for Andremene and her family! The Lord has been gracious as we finished the construction of her home!
“"I spent many days afraid that the old house would collapse around us. Then I was afraid that my land was too small for building. But now, all our prayers have been answered. God provided. We are so thankful for this new house."”
Andremene Brital