Bien-Aime Augustin's Home
Home build: October 2022
The Need
A safe, sturdy home for grandparents and granddaughter
Funding Goal: $12,000

Bien-Aime Augustin
Bien-Aime Augustin, 70, and his wife, Melira Thomas, 67, live in a tiny home with their 19-year-old granddaughter in a place called Delagon, not too far from Balimette. The family has known hard times in their life. And recently, a rainstorm with terrible winds came through and destroyed their already cracking home.
With their home gone, they used pieces of sheet metal from their old roof to make a small shelter, which gets very hot in the sweltering sun.
Will you help these grandparents and their family? Even a small amount makes a huge difference. Together, we can build them a safe, sturdy home to protect them from the hot sun, wind, and rain.