Charleston Dumas + Elidiane Ciede Home
Home build: 2020
The Need
Sturdy homes for two families
How we helped
Built a safe, sturdy duplex that blessed both families

Providing two families with sturdy structure and privacy at the same time
It’s a great privilege for us to provide a new home for a family in need in Haiti.
After losing his first wife many years ago, Charleston Dumas met Ociane Dumornay and found love again. Instead of moving into his home made of sticks and scrap metal, we wanted the two of them to begin their new life in a new home. We were happy to share the news that we received funds to build a safe and sturdy home for them. They were elated.
However, as we surveyed the site for the new home, it came to our attention that Elidiane Ceide, an elderly widow living nearby, was also in need of a home.. Elidiane lived in constant fear that her makeshift house would collapse, destroying all of her belongings. She had been praying for help – we are thankful we discovered her need.
Instead of building two new homes, our team came up with a plan to help both families at the same time. Our construction team designed a duplex style home using a common wall and has patios facing in different directions. This would give both of these families the sturdy structure they need while also allowing them the privacy and security they deserve. When we shared the new plan with Charleston, Ociane, and Elidiane, the three could not have been more excited and grateful for this new blessing in their lives.
We are blessed to have been a part of answering prayers for our friends in Haiti. The construction of the duplex was finished in 2020, and we couldn’t be more excited for Charleston, Ociane, Elidiane, and their respective families. This is God’s work!
We cannot thank you enough for generously supporting our mission and families like these throughout Haiti!