Colora Church
Church build: Fall 2017
The Need
A building to house a growing church
How we helped
Constructed a church building where the faithful community can gather

A group of believers in Haiti had spent many years meeting in a humble building
We were able to provide a new building for them to gather!
Praise God for His faithfulness and for his blessing of a new building where the church could meet.
Under the leadership of Pastor Remy Raphael, believers in the community of Colora had been meeting in a dilapidated old building. The brothers and sisters of this church share a deep love for Jesus Christ, and desire to share that love with others in their community. As the church grew in numbers, so did the need for a building where everyone could gather safely.
Through the prayers and generosity of Hope Rising Haiti supporters like you, we were able to construct a beautiful new church building for the faithful community, complete with new benches and a firm foundation. In February 2018, the community gathered to dedicate the church and celebrate God’s blessing of a new building!
A few months after the church dedication, a powerful storm blew the roof off of the newly constructed building. Once again, your generous support helped us repair the roof before the upcoming rainy season could destroy the foundation and benches inside.
It is a joy to play a small part in what God is doing in Haiti through this faithful church! Praise God for His followers at Colora Church, and join us in praying that they will be a fruitful and faithful community for years to come.

Update: May 2021
Colora Church Continues to Grow
It’s such a joy to hear from churches we’ve partnered with and hear how God is working among them. One beloved partner of ours is Colora Church, which has grown from a tiny, faithful gathering of believers in a humble shack to a large, thriving congregation meeting in a beautiful building.
The Colora Church was completed and dedicated in 2018 with a joyous celebration, where the church committed to being a light for Christ in their community. In the months following the dedication, several natural disasters threatened the building – including a leaky roof and a powerful rainstorm that lifted the roof off of the church! But your generous support ensured that we were able to make the necessary repairs to keep the building in good working order. Through all the challenges, the church has remained strong in their faith.
Under the guidance of Pastor Remy, the church in Colora is growing by leaps and bounds. Our ministry partners at GVCM shared some of their successes with us as the word of God shines where darkness once lived.
Here is part of what GVCM shared with us: “Attendance in the past year has doubled! They held 20 baptisms and 12 weddings. 15 children were dedicated to the Lord and 19 people accepted Christ as their Savior! They recently held a revival where 73 more people accepted Christ!”
We are grateful that God gave us a chance to be a part of building this church.