Denise Auguste’s Home
Home build: Summer 2020
The Need
A safe home with a sturdy roof
How we helped
Built a safe, sturdy home with a proper roof to protect a widow and her family

For Denise Auguste, a safe, sturdy home has transformed her family’s life.
It’s a great privilege for us to provide a new home for a family in need in Haiti.
Denise Auguste and her family lived in a very unstable structure, seemingly ready to collapse at any moment. Their roof was made of palm leaves and pieces of assorted plastic, so whenever it rained, the floor would become muddy. There is only one bed in their home so Denise and her 7 children must decide every day who must sleep on the floor. It is a very difficult decision during the rainy season.
Despite these conditions, Denise loves the Lord and trusts Him to take care of her family. She had been praying for His blessing: a safe and sturdy shelter to protect her family.
“I didn’t know what I should do to build a better house, but God in His love blessed me by sending people to help me.” – Denise Auguste
Hope Rising Haiti is so blessed to have been a part of God’s work in Denise’s life. Construction was finished in the summer of 2020.
“Before saying anything, I want to thank God and let you know that He is very powerful! This is one of the biggest gifts God has given me through GVCM and Hope Rising Haiti,” Denise said.
We cannot thank you enough for generously supporting our mission and families like Denise’s throughout Haiti!