Lalumloguan Water Well
The Need
Clean water for a community
How we helped
Drilled a new well to provide life-giving water

Providing safe, clean water
for the Lalumloguan community
For many years, the small community of Lalumloguan sustained itself without many of the basic necessities that we take for granted. They lacked clean, safe water, a school for their children, a church where they could worship, and a health clinic to help them with simple illnesses. Why would someone remain in their community if resources are so scarce? Quite simply, they have nowhere else to go. But with the help of Hope Rising Haiti, the community now has a well that provides clean, life-giving water to everyone.
Before the well, the people of Lalumloguan traveled to and from the river every day to get the water they needed for cooking, drinking, and washing. This water source was shared with animals who also drank and bathed in the river. Despite their circumstances, they remained faithful and continued to pray for change.
After we heard about this community’s need, we wanted to bless them with a new well. Through the generosity of our Hope Rising Haiti community, we were able to raise enough money to start construction!
The team faced many challenges throughout the project. The hilly terrain was not suitable for hauling the heavy materials needed to dig the well. It took more than a week just to get the road ready for the equipment. Members of the community used machetes, shovels and other basic tools to make the road accessible for the equipment. It was a challenging task, but with God’s help, the road was finally ready.
As the days went on, our team worked diligently to pour the concrete foundations, drill the well and complete the mechanical tasks necessary to get the well up and running. Now, the well is complete and is providing clean, safe water for this community!
Our liaison in Haiti, Enel, spoke to some of the people in Lalumloguan and asked us to share this message with you.
“This well is a very special gift from our King of Kings through you, our dear brothers and sisters. We promise to keep this well safe and clean. We thank you so much for this beautiful and important gift you offered our community. May God keep blessing you and your families! We want you to know that the community of Lalumloguan loves you so much!”
Thank you for helping us answer their prayers!