LaSeve Church
Church build: Summer 2017
The Need
A new church building for faithful believers
How we helped
Constructed a new church building and benches

faithfully sharing the love of Jesus in the community of LaSeve
a new church building to welcome learning, fellowship, and worship
Pastor Jean Cleogene and his church have been faithfully sharing the love of Jesus in the community of LaSeve, and now they have a new building as well! We’re so grateful to be able to support the gospel work of these churches in Haiti.
Before the new church building, the church met in a simple structure that barely contained the congregation. Through your generous support, we were able to construct a new church building and built benches to make the space more welcoming for worship and fellowship. The building also provides a place to educate the local children providing hope for a better future.
At the church dedication in January 2018, Pastor Jean expressed his gratitude and appreciation on behalf of the church. Thank you for praying and generously supporting our vital work among the Haitian people!