Lorwaton Church
Church build: Spring 2015
The Need
A new church building for the Lorwaton community
How we helped
Built a new church in Lorwaton

God used Hope Rising Haiti to provide a new building for the Lorwaton Church.
It’s a great blessing to be able to provide a sturdy building where His followers can gather!
Many years ago in Lorwaton, Haiti, a group of faithful followers led by Pastor Solon met on a hillside to worship God. The church continued to gather and grow, and the congregation built its first church building in 2009.
The first church was built using large tree branches to form the walls and scraps of sheet metal to form the building. As the congregation grew in faith and in numbers, the church knew that they needed a new building.
With help from the generous supporters of Hope Rising Haiti, we were able to complete a new building for the Lorwaton Church in 2014. The dedication ceremony was amazing, and it was incredible to see the work that God has done through the church. Praise God for this faithful church, and pray that they continue to share Christ’s love with the community.