New Church in Fedja
The Need
A building to house a growing church
How we can help
Construct a church building where the faithful community can gather
Help Provide a Permanent Church Building for Miguel and Bob
Thank you for your faithful giving to help build a new church in Fedja for the overflowing number of people who gather to worship there. Currently they are meeting between two shipping containers.
Who You Will Impact
Your support will provide a permanent church building for people like Miguel and Bob. Watching Miguel (in the red shirt) and Bob (striped shirt) worship our Lord at church inspires us to worship more.

Miguel first came to the orphanage after being rescued from child trafficking. It’s unthinkable and unspeakable what poor Miguel endured as a little boy. His body still carries the scars from where he was beaten. But now, multiple times each week, he gathers for worship at the GVCM church in Fedja.
Miguel can be found in the front of the church clapping and jumping and worshiping our Lord!
Miguel is nonverbal. The trauma he went through as a young boy has changed the course of his life on this earth. But in Heaven, he will be fully restored. Watching Miguel worship is a picture of what Heaven will be like! Each time we see Miguel worship at church, we are so grateful he has a safe place in the loving Christian community at GVCM.
Recently, Miguel was worshiping with his usual clapping and jumping and smiling. And next to him was our friend Bob, whom we had the privilege to meet when he was just a small boy (below).

Most everyone who has traveled with us to Haiti knows Bob and how special he is. His very American nickname quickly connects him with visiting Americans. But, aside from his name, it’s Bob’s joy that is contagious and splashes on everyone who has the privilege of meeting him.
Bob was born with special needs and is also nonverbal. Without words, Miguel and Bob worship our Lord with their whole hearts!
We thank the Lord for both of these young men, and we are grateful that GVCM has provided a place for them to belong.
We have often wondered: What’s going to happen to these young men? Where can they go? GVCM is their only safe option, and worshiping at church is the highlight of their week. Worshiping with fellow believers is what makes them happy.
As this church community continues to grow, many people stand inside the perimeter of the church every Sunday, while others remain in the hot sun, intent on listening to the word of the Lord. And there is no accounting for those who turn and walk away because there is a line outside. There simply is not enough space for the growing needs of this congregation.

Our goal is $375,000 and we are more than halfway there! Will you help us get the rest of the way?
Construction is underway and going very well. Here is a recent photo of what our team has accomplished. To complete this project, however, we need your urgent support. Share this need with your family, friends, church—the more people you tell, the faster we will reach our goal.

Will You Help Us Cross the Finish Line?
Please join us in completing the construction of the new church building in Fedja for Bob, Miguel, and many others. Please pray. Please share this need with friends and family and churches and businesses.
Giving is easy. Simply select “Fedja Church” from the project fund dropdown on our secure donation page. 100% of your donations toward this project go directly to this project. Every gift you give—large or small—makes a big difference. Thank you for your continued generosity.