Noel's Home
Home build: March 2022
The Need
Build a safe, sturdy home for a family
How we helped
Built sturdy home to protect from the elements

Build a new home with a sturdy roof for a family
Brother Noel Dubuisson is a faithful follower of Jesus, and his life is a powerful picture of how Jesus can radically change anyone’s life. He and his wife are in desperate need of a new home to protect them from the elements, and with your help, we can build one for them!
Noel Dubuisson
Before following Jesus, Dubuisson was a voodoo priest named Dye Pwisan. Now, he goes by the name Noel Dubuisson as a way to share that his life has been changed by God, and he is no longer living in his old ways. At 71 years old, Dubuisson’s life is a powerful testimony for how God can transform lives at any age!
Dubuisson and his wife currently live in a narrow home propped up by six stakes in the ground. The home’s roof is made of decaying sheet metal, which frequently leaks during the rainy season. Sometimes they put a carpet over the roof to protect themselves from the rain, while other times they use that same carpet as a wall to protect them during the night.
Our local partner saw the conditions that Dubisson and his wife were living in and brought their need to the local committee. After the committee approved the request, we agreed to help raise the funds to build a safe, sturdy home for this elderly couple in need.
Please join us in praying that God would bless Dubuisson and his wife with a new home, and consider how God might use you to help meet their need!
Praise God for allowing the completion of this new home for Noel and his wife! The Lord has been gracious as we finished the construction of their home!
The Need
A safe, sturdy home