Pierre Angoline's Home
The Need
Build a safe, sturdy home for a widow
How we helped
Build a sturdy new home

God provides a widow with her first safe, sturdy home.
We are blessed to be a part of meeting the needs of people like Pierre!
With your prayers and support, we were able to build a new home for a widow in need! We’re so blessed to be able to meet the physical and spiritual needs of faithful women like Pierre.
Many widows in Haiti live in unstable homes made of cardboard, sheet metal, and sticks. With the generous help of supporters like you, we were able to build a new home for Pierre Angoline to provide her with the safety and security she deserves.
Pierre Angoline is a widow who lives in the Mirebalais area of Haiti near the tobacco farms. Each Sunday, she walks an hour to worship God with her church family. For years, she had patiently prayed for a safe and stable home, and we were able to build her one!.
Pierre is thankful for the life-changing blessing of a sturdy new home, and she wishes to thank everyone who helped support this project. Thank you for helping us provide critical housing to women in need like Pierre!