Rosette Timeau's Home
Home build: 2018
The Need
A safe, sturdy home
How we helped
Provided a safe home to protect a family from the rainy season

For Rosette Timeau, a safe, sturdy home has transformed her family’s life.
It’s a great privilege for us to provide a new home for a family in need in Haiti.
For years, Rosette Timeau lived in a makeshift shack with her nine children. Their “little broken home” as she called it, had no place to sit or sleep, and the family had to stand during the long nights of the rainy season.
Rosette remained faithful and continued to pray that one day she would have a safe home for her family. In 2018, Rosette’s life was changed when she received a new home through the generous donations of Hope Rising Haiti.
We recently spoke with Rosette, and she expressed her gratitude for her safe, sturdy new home. She shared that her family no longer fears the rainy season. In fact, they look forward to it because it means that they can catch the rainwater to use around the house.
“Words are not enough to tell you how happy we are for this amazing gift, and thank you for your love. Thank you to your beautiful team with golden hearts. May God bless you more every day of your life,” Rosette said.
We’re so grateful for your prayers and support. With your help, we are able to transform lives like Rosette’s and provide hope for the future!