Simlene's Home
Home build: November 2017
The Need
A safe home for a family
How we helped
Built a safe, sturdy home for Simlene

Building a safe, sturdy home for Simlene
Thanks to the generosity of supporters like you, Hope Rising Haiti was able to provide Simlene and her family with a new home!
For many years, Simile had been living at the All God’s Children Orphanage in Fedja, Haiti. She never had a home of her own, and the orphanage was the only place for her and her family to live.
With the help of Hope Rising Haiti, we were able to build a safe, sturdy home for Simlene and her family to call their own. This new house provides her with safety, security, and an abundance of joy.
Simlene is rejoicing at how God has provided for her basic needs through the generous supporters of Hope Rising Haiti. Thank you for supporting what God is doing in Haiti, and join us in praying that God will continue to meet the needs of our Haitian friends!