Thomassique Church Team Center
Church build: Spring 2012
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Lost in spiritual darkness
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March 2021 update
Pastor Roger is called home
This week has brought us some very sad news from our friends in Haiti. Last Saturday, Pastor Roger Salomon of the Thomassique Christian Church passed away from a sudden illness.
We don’t have many details concerning Pastor Roger’s death. His unexpected passing has been a very difficult experience for the church in Thomassique, who recently lost another pastor in December 2019.
I first met Pastor Roger more than 20 years ago on my first trip to Haiti. He was the middle school principal at the time. A few years later, he became the pastor of the church in Thomassique. Pastor Roger was a kind and quiet man who loved his family and loved serving the Lord and sharing the Gospel.
Over the last year, we’ve unexpectedly lost four wonderful pastors and men of God: Pastor Wilson of Thomassique, Pastor Colomb of Passpomme, Pastor Cleogene of LaSeve and now Pastor Roger of Thomassique.
While we mourn the loss of these humble leaders, we take comfort in knowing that they are at peace and in the presence of God, who is our ultimate comforter in times of grief and loss.
Hope Rising Haiti has sent $2,500 to help with funeral expenses and the funeral dinner. If you would like to be a part of this, you can donate at the link below. We will also be providing monthly support to Pastor Roger’s widow, Preslene, and her family.
Please join Marci and me as we pray for Pastor Roger’s widow, Preslene Reme Salomon, and her children, as they mourn the loss of their beloved husband and father. Please also pray for the church in Thomassique, that they may feel the presence and tender mercy of the Lord during this difficult time. Please lift up all pastors and church leaders in Haiti – that God will protect them and use them mightily for His Kingdom.