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What does VBS look like in a third world country?

By July 29, 2016No Comments

All over the country churches are gearing up for Vacation Bible School. These weeks are known for their high energy, fun decorations and themes, and of course kids hearing the gospel of Jesus Christ.

But what does Vacation Bible School look like in a third world country?

In March Hope Rising Haiti hosted a VBS at a local church in Gross Roche. We planned and prepared for 60 children, but over 190 came with their parents! There wasn’t even room to walk! These families could not contain their excitement to participate in a day of singing and learning.

One distinctive of VBS in a third world country like Haiti, is sharing the Gospel while meeting practical needs in the community. Children are lacking basic necessities like clothes, toothbrushes and soap, even shoes. We brought containers of these supplies to hand out but as soon as the tubs were opened, a crowd immediately surrounded our volunteers.

As we witnessed the rush to receive these items, we saw a people desperate for provision, but hearts that fiercely relied on the Lord for those needs. It has become our prayer that we would live with this same desperation and vigor for Jesus. We can become numb to the things we need because of our conveniences like smart phones, running water, and entertainment. With these families needs exposed for even the basic necessities, they demonstrate a dependence on God we long to cultivate ourselves.

Please pray for the families who attended the VBS to continue to fully rely on the Lord and for God to provide for all their needs. And also, please be praying for our next trip, August 1-8.


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