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C.S. Lewis said, “The task of the modern educator is not to cut down jungles, but to irrigate deserts.” Children in Haiti have a desire to learn but there are many practical roadblocks that we can overcome. The desert needs watered.

Our friends at the GVCM school in Fedja, Haiti wrote us about the state of their schools. We thought it would be helpful to share a bit of their own words regarding their great need.


“God is good and I thank Him for using friends like you and many others who have so faithfully and sacrificially been contributing the godly seed that is being planted in the  mission field in Haiti. We are already seeing fruits worthy of eternity stemming from those seeds that the Holy Spirit is harvesting for the Glory of the Father.

We thank you for remaining available even in this our of great need as we are trying to make education better for our children everywhere GVCM has a school.

A few years ago, when we were struggling to host school for our kids because of lack of space, God directed the steps of Children’s World Impact to build 4 classrooms outside the gate. We were able to add three more classrooms later with the contributions of other donors. The idea was to keep the school separated from the orphanage, but with the influx or children from surrounding communities who needed to attend school we were forced to keep using space inside the orphanage compound. Even with those difficulties, our school by the orphanage has been considered to be among the top 4 schools in the lower plateau department. That reputation also keeps attracting more enrollments and last year we struggled to host about 700 students.

We need to build 12 more classrooms in three stories. We need to build at least one this year to accommodate the new highest grade or we will have to bus the kids to school in town, a move that would cost us financially, morally, and spiritually.

The 4 classrooms will cost $60k total, or $15k per classroom.

If you feel like the Lord is using you through your contacts to help we would be very appreciative.



There is a deep, enduring desire to learn abiding in the hearts of the children in Haiti. What lacks is not their ability but their opportunity. Please, respond to the need and help us provide classrooms for the students in Haiti. Thank you for your consideration. Please join the cause and donate below.



Blake LaMunyon

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