On Saturday, July 28 our new church in Colora was hit hard by high winds that blew the roof completely off. That same storm also destroyed the old church building. Thankfully, the new church structure we built remains strong – only the roof blew off.

Without a roof the Haitian rains will quickly damage all of the new benches we built and also make having the Colora church’s weekly worship service difficult – because of the rains and hot sun. Our projects map shows the exact location of this brave church congregation. The roof replacement alone will cost around $9,500. If you could give any amount to help replace the roof and its electrical wiring your gifts would make an immediate impact and be greatly appreciated. We have faith that God will provide for these wonderful believers and we ask that you would please pray for Pastor Remy and the church in Colora.

God will Provide
They are brokenhearted about this struggle but I told them that we are praying for them and that we are standing with them during this time. We are confident that God will stir the hearts of His followers and raise the funds necessary to send, as soon as we are able.
On a personal note, I will be preaching at Southeast Christian Church, in Parker, Colorado, this weekend – August 11th and 12th. Worship services are Saturday at 5pm and Sunday at 9 and 11am. If you are looking for a place to worship this weekend, please stop by and make sure to say hi. I’d love to connect with you.

Blake LaMunyon
To donate for the first time or increase your support visit HopeRisingHaiti.org/donate or click below.