Providing basic structures for churches is a priority for Hope Rising Haiti. We consider it a privilege to be able to partner with a new church in LaSeve. This church is led by a great pastor and has wonderful families committed. These brothers and sisters have a deep love for Jesus Christ and a desire to share the love with others in their communities. Please join us in praying for Pastor Jean Cleogene and the church in LaSeve.
The Outside and Inside of the Old Church

The Construction crew working hard.

Pastor Jean Cleogene of the church in La Seve
The $42,000 LaSeve church construction project has been fully funded thanks to the generosity of our Hope Rising Haiti friends and supporters. Thank you for contributing to the gospel work being accomplished in Haiti.
Please Pray for Haiti and the Surrounding Countries
Hurricane Irma has been upgraded to a category 5 hurricane. Haiti and the surrounding countries are close to it’s path and sure to experience intense weather. Please pray for the people living on these islands.

Haiti Timeline, photo credit: http://www.cnn.com/2017/09/05/us/hurricane-irma-puerto-rico-florida/index.html